Stories from every corner

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  • Free, equal, and non-commercial access to essential and trusted information

  • Independent and fact-based reporting

  • Vermont’s local source for NPR and PBS programming

  • Vermont’s only classical music network

  • Educational and age-appropriate children’s programs

  • Connecting communities through stories and ideas

Your support makes an impact.  

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Your Voice, Your Public Media

Vermont Public isn’t just your local public media station; we’re a powerful platform that amplifies the diverse voices and stories that make our state unique. And what sets us apart is our reliance on community support. Over half of our funding comes directly from folks in our community making gifts in all amounts.

Your donation makes possible the trustworthy fact-driven news, thought-provoking shows, and heartwarming stories that you rely on.

Any amount makes a difference and makes you a member of Vermont Public. Together, we can ensure that everyone in our community has access to the information and entertainment they deserve.


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